Monday: Upper Body
Short Sprints X15 - 10 yrd. Sprints
Tuesday: Lower Body
Agility Day x20 - Linear Ladder Patterns
Wednesday: Flexibility & Core
Speed Endurance - x10 - 10 yrd. Shuttles
Thursday: Explosive Upper Body
Agility Day x20 - Lateral Ladder Patterns
Friday: Explosive Lower Body
Indoor or Outdoor Conditioninng - 45 min./60 min.
4. Sets
1. Single Arm DB Incline Press
x12 ea. arm
- Start Weight: 20 lbs
2. Cable Single Arm Push & Pull
x12 ea. side
- Start Weight: 3
3. Landmine Rows
x12 ea. arm
- Start Weight: 25 lbs
4. Landmine Shoulder Press
x12 ea. arm
- Start Weight: 5 lbs
5. Bent Over Band Rotation
x12 ea. side
6. Band Kickbacks
x12 ea.
7. TRX Curls
X12 ea.
8. 1 Shuffle Med Ball Slam
x6 ea. side
- Start Weight: 10 lbs
*circuit style: perform each exercise and reps. After going through all exercises, rest 4:00 minutes and start over till all sets are done.
4 Sets
1. Box Drop into Hurdle Hop
- Start Weight: Body Weight
2. Trap Bar Deadlift (sets 1& 2 - stager step, sets 2&3 normal)
- Start Weight: 90 lbs
3. Frop Leap into Reverse Lunge
- Start Weight: Body Weight
4. Landmine Sumo Squat
- Start Weight: 25 lbs
5. Split Jumps with Rotations
x12 total
- Start Weight: Body Weight
6. Landmine Lateral Lunge
x12 ea. leg
- Start Weight: 25 lbs
7. Lunge position hold with Med Ball Slam
x6 ea.
- Start Weight: 25 lbs
*circuit style: perform each exercise and reps. After going through all exercises, rest 4:00 minutes and start over till all sets are done.
4 Sets
1. Inverted BB Rows
2. Med Ball Cherry Pickers
3. Band Tricep Pull Downs
4. Med Ball Front Slams
5. DB Forearm Twist
6. Rope Swings
7. Ab Wheel
8. Single Arm Band Rows
9. Single Arm Band Press
10. Planks
*circuit style: perform each exercise for:
Set 1 - :20 ea. exercise
Set 2- :25 ea. exercise
Set 3 - :30 ea. exercise
Set 4- :20 ea. exercise
After going through all exercises, rest 2:00 minutes and start over till all sets are done.
4 Sets
1. Squat Jumps
2. Med Ball V-Twist
3. SKi Jumps
4. Side Planks
5. RDL Single Leg Slams
6. Crab Wlaks
7. Side Planks
8. Med Ball Side Slams
9. Single Leg Hip Hikes
10. Super Man with a Twist
circuit style: perform each exercise for:
Set 1 - :20 ea. exercise
Set 2- :25 ea. exercise
Set 3 - :30 ea. exercise
Set 4- :20 ea. exercise
After going through all exercises, rest 2:00 minutes and start over till all sets are done.